Bible & Character

A presentation about Uganda.

World Geography Projects

One of the end-of-the-year writing projects I gave the kids was to research any country of interest around the world and create a report and presentation. What resulted were some pretty amazing world geography projects! I only gave a few parameters for the world geography projects and reports: The report needed to include nice-sized paragraphs,…

The Soup Kitchen

This is Tony, my music minister from the church where I grew up.  Tony has always been very active in serving others in the name of Christ.  For the past 25 years, he’s worked monthly to organize food and helpers to serve the needy at the local soup kitchen.  We were blessed to help serve…

Service at the Food Pantry

We’re very blessed to go to a church that participates in the local food pantry mission.  Once every three months, our church is on duty and asks for volunteers to donate a couple of hours to man the operation.  My children look forward to this service opportunity so much!  From filling orders to stocking shelves,…

Boys and Dinosaurs

On Sunday nights at church, I teach a Kidz Group class for children in 1-5th grades.  Right now, I have only little boys in the class.  What better way to catch their attention than to talk about dinosaurs!  Dinosaurs and church??  Of course!  Dinosaurs are a great topic for teaching the authority of the Bible…

Names of Jesus Unit

This has been such a relaxing and awesome study!  Using Easy Fun School’s free unit titled The Names of Jesus, we’ve spent a little time each day focusing on one of His names from the Bible and creating a scrapbook-style keepsake for each name. I chose not to include most of the other suggestions from…

Bible Bowl

Our children have been part of a Bible Bowl team this year.  As skeptical as I am about children competing over God’s Word, they really have learned inside and out the material that was covered this year.  Since the group has decided to take a break next year, I wanted to be sure to grab…

Father/Son, Mother/Daughter Day

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned here before that my husband accepted the youth minister position at church earlier in the year.  Because I’m his help-meet we work with children from about kindergarten through high school.  Honestly, it’s been a tough adjustment for me – even playing a huge role in me deciding to give…

Kids and Money

  Teaching Biblical Stewardship and Allowances This topic can go so many different ways based on the preferences of parents.  I’m offering just a brief overview of how we handle kids and money in our house.  I’d love to hear some of your ideas and thoughts about raising money-wise, generous children. God tells us to…

4-H Lap Robes

Have you ever heard of Warm Fuzzies for Cancer Patients?  I hadn’t either, but our 4-H extension agent did some research and found this wonderful program for us to take part.  Groups (or individuals) make fleece lap blankets and donate them to cancer centers.   So, that’s what our 4-H group did this week.  Our blankets…

The Peace Place

A peace place.  A place for my children (or myself) to go when we are not being peaceful.  A time-out of sorts, but focused on God and His desires for us.  A quiet and comfortable place for us to reflect on why we haven’t been peaceful and to ask forgiveness.  A place to rid ourselves of frustration,…

An Amazing 4-H Club

Just recently, our local 4-H agent, Lois, started a Homeschool 4-H Club.  Can I just tell you how awesome it is??? We decided early on that we wanted it to be hands-on, meaningful and service oriented.  Forget the meeting minutes and officers and such!  Well, we met for our first meeting this week and it exceeded…