Caleb’s Days
Caleb told me the other day that first grade sure is harder than Kindergarten! He’s right. I’m expecting a lot more from him this year, but nothing he can’t handle. He’s a very active child and would much prefer to climb a tree than do a phonics page. I make sure he has PLENTY of time to climb trees, jump on trampolines, work on the farm with Dad and anything else that gives his body the movement it needs.
But, he is expected to get school work done first. His typical day consists of Bible, math, reading, writing and doing some history and/or science with his big sister.
Bible, science and history are done together as a family. Sometimes I make simpler worksheets or ask him to keep notebooking pages. Other times, I just find a coloring sheet that goes along with the topic. Having nothing to do other than listen doesn’t keep his mind focused. Surprisingly, building with blocks while he listens is good enough to keep him focused, too!
They both have memory verses each week, too. Mahayla writes hers out in a notebook for handwriting practice, but I just copy Caleb’s onto card stock and let him tape them up in our school room for now. He’s made a memory verse cave under the table that we use for school and he loves to go in the cave to read his verses.
As for reading, we started with Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons and stopped about halfway through. We’ll probably pick it back up again soon, but have been using the Starfall materials, Bob Books, Set 1: Beginning Readers
, easy readers from the library and phonics worksheet books from the dollar store for now.
For math, we use Horizons Math 1, Mind Benders Beginning Book 2 (Gr 1-2)and some other logic/problem solving books that I have around the house.
Fridays – we usually read a “character training” book rather than the Bible. Caleb’s favorites are the Wisdom and the Millers: Proverbs for Children (Miller Family Series)books by Mildred Martin. Mahayla likes to read anything and everything! No matter what we’re reading, we all love to cuddle up on the couch for a good book. Needless to say, you can imagine that my bookshelves are full to overflowing! I think I’ll post soon on some of my favorite children’s books……