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Around the World: Australia

Australia unit study at Our Journey Westward

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Around the World: Australia

To see where all our “spine” learning comes from during this unit, be sure to check out our main resources for the Around the World Studies.

Inspirational Books

Books to go-along with Australia unit study

The Pumpkin Runner

Katy No-Pocket

Possum Magic

Are We There Yet?

This is Australia

About Marsupials: A Guide for Children

Coral Reef

Mapping Australia

Salt-dough map of Australia | Elementary Australia Unit

Using a simple salt-dough recipe and a printed map of Australia, I placed a piece of waxed paper over the map and asked Eli to form the shape of Australia with the dough.  Once dry, he painted it.  Easy, but he loves his 3-D map.

Aboriginal Art and Cooking Traditional Food

Anzac Biscuits | Elementary Australia Unit Study

Using directions from Mrs. Zilker’s Art Class, we did Aboriginal dot paintings using q-tips and tempera paints.

Our cooking time was spent making Anzac biscuits (cookies) that were really yummy!

Peanut butter koala as part of Australia unit study

These little peanut butter play dough koalas were an additional, fun activity that was both artistic and yummy.

Science Connections

Marsupial Research and Writing Project | Australia Unit

Marsupials were a natural choice for making a science connection to Australia.  This little research project was easy, but meaningful.  You can find the directions for an early elementary research project here.

Coarl Reef Lapbook as part of Australia Unit Study

Since The Great Barrier Reef is near the coast of Australia AND because Homeschool Share has a FREE (and wonderful) lapbook about coral reefs, this science connection was a no-brainer.  This is Eli’s first ever lapbook and he loved it!

And what study of Australia and the coral reef would be complete without watching Finding Nemo?


Australia unit study Pinterest page at Our Journey Westward

Visit my Cindy's Around the World Pinterest Page for more ideas.

Around the World Series at Our Journey Westward

Click on the graphic above to find the entire Around the World series of posts!


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