Another One Turns Ten
What?? I have TWO children in double digits now??

Happy 10th Birthday Caleb!
Caleb requested pineapple upside-down cake for his family party, and it just so happened that there were 10 pineapples in which to place candles. 🙂 (I had to make cupcakes for church friends AND chocolate chip cookies for his baseball team. Whew!)
Take a look at Eli’s little bald head. I was using the close-cut electric razor on the back of my husband’s neck before church a couple weeks ago and set the razor down for only a split second. Within that split second, Eli had grabbed the razor and cut two huge strips from the top of his head. There was nothing else to do except finish his job. This bald head had already seen two weeks worth of growth!
I snapped this picture of my husband helping his 84-year-old grandma out to her car after the party. Aren’t they cute holding hands?
🙂 ahh… summer. isn’t it amazing how fast time flies… I bet grandma could give us some insights into this.
I too have two in double digits. strange. makes me feel old.
we have the same taste in Mom’s Reading…
amy in peru
.-= amy in peru´s last blog ..sketch tuesday: roadtrip =-.