Nature In Your Notebook Printables

One of the best ways to perk up the school year during the winter is to get outside.

Yes, you heard right – get outside!

I know it’s cold, but I also know what “going stir crazy” feels like and how {even cold weather} nature walks can rejuvenate the spirit. Not to mention, there’s a world of nature waiting to be studied during the winter!

These free nature in your notebook printables will help keep the winter doldrums far away from your homeschool this season!

Nature in Your Notebook

To get you started in your nature explorations, I’ve created THREE fun notebooking pages that will guide you on walks from Valentine’s Day through those first sweet signs of spring. To download them, simply click on the graphics.

Lovely Winter Walk: 

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, so how about taking a LOVEly Winter Walk

where you spend some purposeful time in thankfulness for God’s winter creation?

Winter Natuer Study Free Printable | Our Journey Westward

Conifer Observation Sheet:

Conifers are popular trees to study during the winter since most of them continue to hold on to leaves and cones through the cold months. Print off one Conifer Observation Sheet

per tree you intend to study to make comparisons from tree to tree.

Conifer Observation Printable Our Journey Westward

Early Spring Beauty: 

Spring will come soon – really it will! This Early Spring Beauty

notebooking page will help you catch the very first signs of spring to let you know that God’s promises to renew never fail.

Early Spring Nature Study Printable

Some of my blogging friends are also on a mission to keep your family from the winter hum-drums! These wonderful ladies have created nature notebooking freebies for you, too!


Did you know I’m the author of the NaturExplorers series of nature studies? 

Whether you simply need some creative nature walk ideas or would like to teach an entire unit study based on a nature topic (or anything in between), NaturExplorers titles will work for you!

More than 20 nature topics are available which provide you with nature walk ideas, hands-on experiments and activities, writing and research project ideas, Bible lessons, artist and composer study tie-ins, living literature lists, non-fiction and field guide suggestions, background information about the topic and several full-color notebooking pages!

NaturExplorers studies were written for 1st-8th graders, but several suggestions are provided to include your preschoolers & high school students.

Popular winter studies include:

There’s even a winter-themed nature studies for preschoolers and kindergarteners!

 Nature by the Season: Winter

Be sure to join me on Facebook, too.  I’ve been known to offer coupons and giveaways over there!

Enjoy winter!

Extol the LORD, Jerusalem;
praise your God, Zion….
He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes.
He hurls down his hail like pebbles.
Who can withstand his icy blast?
He sends his word and melts them;
he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.
Psalm 147:12, 16-18


  1. Thank you! 🙂

  2. I just made it over to print my pages out. 🙂

    Thanks Cindy for the beautiful printables.

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