
Dry cracked ground with clouds and sin shining over water in the distance. Image is for a podcast about drought.

Drought Nature Study

In this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast, discover the relatively dry topic of drought nature study. Meet the microscopic tardigrade, an animal with the shocking ability to survive a long drought with a very special adaptation. Drought Nature Study During or after listening to the drought podcast episode, see how many of…

Clouds with a tornado twisting down onto a field. Image is for a podcast about tornadoes.

Tornado Nature Study: A Safety Episode for the Entire Family

Learning about natural disasters can be scary for children, but it’s important to understand them to be safe in an emergency. Hear a personal story from Mrs. Cindy’s childhood as she describes some signs and safety tips in this tornado nature study. Tornadoes are one of nature’s fiercest weather phenomena. Understanding their strength and destructive…

Lightning and clouds at night

Thunderstorm Nature Study

What do you think about the possibility of completing a thunderstorm nature study? Whether you love the idea or not, we will definitely stay VERY safe from harm’s way this week. You see, thunderstorms can be dangerous severe weather events because of the electrifying lightning. But first, how do you feel about thunderstorms? Are they…


Below are some pictures of our farm during the recent flooding of Central KY (and other places.)  I know it’s hard to tell that the land is flooded if you aren’t familiar with what it looks like typically.  Rest assured – this was a FLOOD!  We estimate about 45 acres (three bottom land fields) were…