
Cover of the Spring nature study curriculum. Cover is light blue with pink and blue butterflies and flowers.

Spring Nature Study for Preschool and Kindergarten is Here!

It’s finally here!  You’ve been asking for this resource for quite some time, but you don’t have to wait any more!  Nature by the Season: Spring for Preschool and Kindergarten is ready!  47 pages, ebook $5.95 Why Early Nature Study? Preschoolers and kindergarteners are naturally inclined to love nature because of their inquisitiveness, active bodies…

Science Notebooking with Microscopes blog image with little boy looking through a microscope in the background

Science Notebooking with Microscopes

(This post contains affiliate links.) Notebooking with kindergarteners??  Isn’t that asking too much? No way…especially when it comes from authentic, meaningful experiences! We own a modest microscope and some simple prepared slides that made for a wonderful science notebooking lesson last week.  Just having these things sitting out was enough to spark an interest that…

The Great Chocolate Caper

The Great Chocolate Caper by Mary Ann Carr was generously provided to me by Prufrock Press for review.  Overall, I’ve been very impressed with the logic products I’ve seen from Prufrock Press and this book is no exception. We Love Logic! The Great Chocolate Caper: A Mystery that Teaches Logic Skills is meant for the…

Keeping Preschoolers Busy

Eli is almost three!  We’ve had such a good time keeping him busy this semester.  Well, good time might not always describe what it was like keeping him busy!  Here are just a few pictures of the little man who can frequently be heard saying, “I wanna do pwekool!” Making “painted” cookies with Mahayla. We…

Thanksgiving Resources

We won’t be doing a Thanksgiving unit this year, but several books will be in books baskets and book nooks around the house.  Here are some of my favorites. Here are a few internet resources that have been useful in the past. Cindy Downes’ Pilgrim Unit The Homeschool Mom’s Links LaCelle Family Unit Study Eclectic…


Mahayla played softball again this year after a three year break.  We were a bit worried about how she might fair in the 12-15 year old fastpitch league after such a hiatus.  To our surprise, and I think hers, she played VERY well!  Even earning the most improved player ball one night after catching two…

Boys and Dinosaurs

On Sunday nights at church, I teach a Kidz Group class for children in 1-5th grades.  Right now, I have only little boys in the class.  What better way to catch their attention than to talk about dinosaurs!  Dinosaurs and church??  Of course!  Dinosaurs are a great topic for teaching the authority of the Bible…

Summer Time!

Whew!  I’m ready to get back to school just so I have an excuse to stop the insanity!  LOL!  What’s been keeping us busy lately? I know I’ve been MIA a little lately.  Between all these fun activities, the garden, planning for school and writing the next set of NaturExplorer units, I haven’t had much…

Science Activity Bags

I can’t tell you how excited I am about the Science Experiements in a Bag exchange we had at co-op this week!  Remember the preschool bags?   The same company that sells the preschool activity bag idea book now has a science experiment bag idea book!  My big kids can’t wait to dive into these!…