
Leaf traced out on graph paper

Nature Study – Leaves

(This post contains affiliate links and links to my business website, Shining Dawn Books.) It was COLD in Central KY yesterday The nature walk part of our nature study was rather short – just a quick trip down to the creek bed to collect a variety of leaves.  But once we got home – the…

Take a Walk in Your Socks??

That’s what we did yesterday!  All in the name of nature study, of course.  With some of Dad’s older socks (one white pair and one dark pair) the kids were instructed to run through as many fields, patches of weeds, fence rows – whatever they could find – and then come back home in ten…

Monet and More

This week’s Fine Arts Tuesday finished our study of Monet.  I’ve love his work and could probably spend many more weeks with him as our focus, but it’s time to move on. We’ve been finding and hearing lots of frogs around the farm lately, so a picture study using three of Monet’s “Waterlillies” paintings seemed…

Fine Arts Tuesday #3

Fine Arts Tuesday was another hit this week.  I don’t think any of us are going to get tired of it anytime soon! Early morning nature study was a simple summer scavenger hunt. Art and classical music were combined this week.  In a simple activity, you play a piece of classical music and let the…

Fine Arts Tuesday Week 2

Tuesdays are such a sweet treat!  Nature study, artist study, art projects, composer study, tea time and an afternoon club are making for full and fun days. Last week’s nature study turned out to be working cattle in the barn with dad.  I had planned on a nice walk to observe trees and their lines, but…

Image for a blog post about a renaissance unit study with homemade soap carvings, drawings, and boy sitting under a tree sketching

Renaissance Study

Our final unit study of the year turned out to be a great one – even if it was on the lighter side of book learning.  We had just finished an intensive study of the Middle Ages, which naturally covers a lot of Renaissance history.  So, the main purpose of this study was to tie…

Hot Rocks!

Making hot rocks was SO much fun!  Since we just happened to be doing the rocks and minerals section of our earth science unit, the craft fit in perfectly.  The rocks turned out so well, we entered them in the craft division of our co-op’s expo. Heat rocks in the oven at 350 for 15…

Painless artist study image with photo of art supplies on a purple background.

Painless Artist Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) Cheating Just a Little Okay, so my Charlotte Mason friends may raise their eyebrows to this post.  I can get overwhelmed with all the “stuff” that’s out there to teach.  Good stuff like artists, composers, Latin….  Things that just seem to slip by the wayside sometimes when the phonics and…

Artist Study – Durer

I love Discovering Great Artists!  I’ve used it in our home and in a co-op art class.  This lesson came from the book. Albrecht Durer did paintings, watercolors, drawing and woodcuts.  We tried our hand at woodblock printing, which was one of Durer’s specialties.  You take wood blocks and hammer metal objects into the wood to make impressions. …

Grandparent’s Day Idea

Grandma, read no further! Here’s an idea from the Holidays Around the Year book that we did as part of our seasonal Friday lesson last week. We learned the science behind suminagashi art (marbling paints) and created beautiful card covers.  Inside the kids have written letters to both sets of grandparents for Grandparent’s Day.  We finished…

Bird Center

Here’s the newest summer center at our house – Birds! The box of books on the right includes nonfiction books about all sorts of birds – everything from birds we see around here to penguins to toucans.  I’ve also included some really good children’s literature that have birds as characters – Make Way for Ducklings…