• iPad icon with green trim and a snail in the middle. Used as the cover for a nature curriculum about math and patterns in nature.

    Math in Nature


    This not-to-miss nature curriculum makes fantastic connections that inspire children to look for math everywhere. Discover the wonders of math in nature with this engaging curriculum guide for 1st-8th graders. Through eight captivating lessons, explore geometric shapes, intricate patterns, and mathematical concepts inspired by nature. Perfect for sparking curiosity and making math meaningful through real-life connections and cross-curricular exploration.

  • colorful title page for a book called loving living math that has math symbols on it

    Loving Living Math


    Are you tired of mundane math lessons that leave your child disengaged and uninspired? This how-to guide helps parents understand and easily implement living math principles at any grade level. 

  • Chalkboard with math problems written and protractor, ruler, pencils, sharpeners, and other math supplies laying below it. Used as the cover for the Living Math masterclass.

    Living Math Homeschool Masterclass


    The addition of living math to your homeschool schedule is really much easier than you might think. It’s also more important than you might think. I would never ask you to completely ditch your math textbook, but let me help you open some pretty amazing doors just outside of the textbook!

  • A child in a green shirt playing with colorful math manipulatives.

    Early Math Foundations Masterclass


    While it’s certainly very important to provide little ones with early math foundations, it’s way easier and less structured than you might think. Learn practical strategies for a successful start in this masterclass.

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