
Catching Up

I just wanted to share a few odds and ends this afternoon. Yesterday was Mahayla’s piano recital.  She did such a lovely job!  I’m afraid her talent is stronger than her desire right now , though.  We’re taking a break over the summer to see if she might “get her want to fixed” before the…

Bible Bowl

Our children have been part of a Bible Bowl team this year.  As skeptical as I am about children competing over God’s Word, they really have learned inside and out the material that was covered this year.  Since the group has decided to take a break next year, I wanted to be sure to grab…

My Mother

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! This picture was taken last night at our church’s annual Mother-Daughter Banquet.  Thank you gentlemen for a lovely evening!

Image for a blog post about a renaissance unit study with homemade soap carvings, drawings, and boy sitting under a tree sketching

Renaissance Study

Our final unit study of the year turned out to be a great one – even if it was on the lighter side of book learning.  We had just finished an intensive study of the Middle Ages, which naturally covers a lot of Renaissance history.  So, the main purpose of this study was to tie…

Simple Machines and Play

Don’t ya just love when kids use their imaginations and create really cool things?  This afternoon, the older kids made great use of their free time (and I was able to get in a little discussion about simple and complex machines!) Caleb loves ladders, ropes, tools and other bits and pieces of boy stuff.  Living…

Happy Birthday, Steve!

On Thursday of last week I reminded the kids that Daddy’s birthday was coming up.  Within hours, Caleb had designed and built these two gifts.  I heard lots of hammering at the barn and the next thing I knew, Mahayla had hooked the wagon to the lawn tractor in an effort to help Caleb hide the (enormous) gifts under…

Father/Son, Mother/Daughter Day

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned here before that my husband accepted the youth minister position at church earlier in the year.  Because I’m his help-meet we work with children from about kindergarten through high school.  Honestly, it’s been a tough adjustment for me – even playing a huge role in me deciding to give…

Water Already?

So I’m sick with strep.  (Feeling much better today.  Thank the Lord for strong antibiotics!)  My sweet older children offered to take little one out while I napped yesterday.  Here’s what they did. Yes, it was only April 23rd.  I suppose they cared more that the thermometer said 80.  I’m just thankful I had the chance to nap!

Hot Rocks!

Making hot rocks was SO much fun!  Since we just happened to be doing the rocks and minerals section of our earth science unit, the craft fit in perfectly.  The rocks turned out so well, we entered them in the craft division of our co-op’s expo. Heat rocks in the oven at 350 for 15…

Creative Memorization Ideas

Creative Memorization Ideas My all-time favorite creative memorization tool so far has been Times Tales!  My oldest daughter had struggled with the upper multiplication facts for months.  In ONE day of this program, she knew the facts!  I’m not kidding!  It uses little stories to tell about each fact.  After doing the program with her, I still…