Search Results for: writing

Catching Up

Summer wears me out.  It’s all good, but whew am I ever ready to start school again by the time August rolls around!  I have tons to post about, so I thought I’d do a giant post and try to fit in as much as possible.  Hang on to your seats! A nearby church hosted…

World Geography Projects

World Geography Projects

One of the end-of-the-year writing projects I gave the kids was to research any country of interest around the world and create a report and presentation. What resulted were some pretty amazing world geography projects! I only gave a few parameters for the world geography projects and reports: The report needed to include nice-sized paragraphs,…

Goodbye 20th Century!

ALL planned unit studies for the 2009-10 school year are finished!  To wrap up the school year by the end of April, we’ll be completing plans and texts for all of our other subjects and adding in a few fun writing, science and art lessons.  While the kids work, I’ll begin the process of putting…

The 1920’s and 1930’s

The Roaring 20’s led way to the Great Depression of the 30’s.  Such a stark difference from one decade to the other. When we went through our first four-year cycle of history using The Story of the World as our main spine, I have to admit that we glossed over modern American history at the…

Unit Studies – More Q & A

A few more questions have come up regarding how I organize and plan our unit studies.  You can find the first post at Unit Studies Revisited and the follow-up post at Unit Study Questions Answered.  As long as you keep asking questions, I’ll keep answering.  🙂 “To clarify, it sounds like you do one unit…

Unit Study Questions Answered

Wow.  Through my email, there were a lot of questions about unit studies from my original post.  I’m glad because it helps me to know what needs to be clarified or expounded upon.  I tried to combine all the questions into major themes which you’ll see below.  Please feel free to keep asking questions, and…

Project-Based Learning

I’ve had lots of questions about the projects we complete as part of our homeschool life.  I’ve even presented a workshop specifically concerning this topic, as well as including it as a topic in my most popular workshop “Creative Homeschooling”. I’ve been wanting to write a blog post about incorporating projects into your homeschool for…

Fungi of Summer/Late Summer

Many people think fungi are only around during the wet and warm spring months.  How are these for August and September fungi finds?? I took these pictures near the edge of a creek on rotting logs and on a walk in the woods.  They were everywhere!  Finding fungi is one of my new nature study…

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