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Newport Aquarium

Did you know the Newport Aquarium offers two free children’s admissions per adult in January and February each year?  I didn’t until recently.  We’ve been wanting to go forever, but haven’t wanted to fork over the steep prices.   Our first trip today was made even sweeter with the $42.oo savings!

The Aquarium sits right beside the Ohio River with Cincinnati in the background.

Of course we saw fish – big fish, little fish, dull fish, bright fish, freshwater fish, saltwater fish….

Oh, and sharks.  Lots of sharks!  Many of the fish could swim over top of us as we went through tunnels under water.

We saw tons of plants native to particular waters as well.  Beautiful plants!  And anemone (which are actually predatory animals!) were all over the place.

There were snakes, eels, turtles, alligators and even some birds.  Oh, and divers, too!

The kids had a blast at all the hands-on exhibits.  The most fun was touching starfish, horseshoe crabs and sharks!

This is nature study at its finest in the winter time!  LOL


  1. Looks like you all had fun! We’re going this Friday to get in on the last day of the deal. 🙂

  2. yep. we had tons of fun too today! great place. i’m hoping to get back soon. can’t wait to see their jellyfish exhibit!

  3. barrellfullofmonkeys says:

    We went on 2/18 🙂 It’s our eldest sons favorite winter field trip. This year our 4 year old decided it was time to pet the sharks. He’s been asking “I go pet sharks today?” ever since. LOVE that place! I was really disappointed the jellyfish room was being renovated! I didn’t realize they were doing that, and it’s my favorite spot in the aquarium 🙁

    Kathy D.

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