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My Granny, an English Tea Party and Crawling

We’ve been gearing up for school around here this week.  Much of our time has been spent in the schoolroom reorganizing EVERYTHING.  It’s still not entirely finished.  I’ll post pictures of the new, and hopefully improved, room soon.

The week wasn’t all work and no play, though.  My Granny, who lives in Alabama, came in for a visit this week.  (Oh, how I wish she lived closer!)  We were able to make the hour-long trip to my parent’s house twice this week to visit with my Granny.  She does very well for 86!  Isn’t she pretty?  (The little one is my nephew.)

Friday afternoon was tea time!  Our preacher’s family spent fourteen years as missionaries to England.  One of their dearest friends from England has been in for a visit, and they decided to throw an English Tea Party.  We had such a good time and ate way too much (really good food!!)  Thank you Carla and Jody for a wonderful afternoon!

And finally, look what else happened this week.  Now, whose chasing him while I homeschool??

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