Keeping Preschoolers Busy
Eli is almost three! We’ve had such a good time keeping him busy this semester. Well, good time might not always describe what it was like keeping him busy! Here are just a few pictures of the little man who can frequently be heard saying, “I wanna do pwekool!”
Making “painted” cookies with Mahayla.

We pulled out the beans a lot! He loves to scoop, bury things and fill up all the wagons on his little tractors.

Mahayla is a super preschool teacher! She came up with the idea to make little cards with body parts written on them. She would read the body part and ask Eli to tape the card to the right spot on her! LOL He LOVED it!
The Dollar Tree is a great place for finding simple things to keep him busy. Several masterpieces were created with bottles of mini glitter glue.
Foam stickers from the Dollar Tree are probably his most favorite thing to use right now.
He loves stickers in general!
This is one of our Preschool Activities in a Bag games.
Yep, that’s a real hammer and nail. Why not – as long as we’re supervising?
I’m going to make his “pwekool” time a little more structured this coming semester. Not anything academic, but more purposeful and planned out – so I’m not rushing around like crazy trying to find something to keep him from drawing all over the big kids’ math!
I love it! I can almost see Baby J arriving at this age. He is crawling all over the place and pulling himself up where ever he can. While we are downstairs doing school work, I am constantly getting up to get him out of something he is not suppose to be into…lol! Can I borrow Mahayla??? 😉
Darn! Well, it was worth the try…lol! It is nice to know that there is someone else out there who has “been there, done that.” I look forward to reading more about how you do your juggling act. 🙂
My two year old is the same way. She’s into everything and trying to write on everyone’s paper. I’m hoping next year will be easier, but then I’ll have a one year old along in the mix. Perhaps they will play quietly in the corner-hahahahahaha. Hey, a girl can dream right?