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On My Heart and Mind…Hope







Sex trafficking.

Demon/Ghost Hunting.

We’ve walked beside teens and families dealing with each of these in the last few months.

Why would God peel so many layers from our naive eyes in such a short time?  I’m not sure yet.

It hasn’t been easy talking with our children (16, 13) about such enormous topics.  Especially one right after the other.  Honestly, it hasn’t been our choice to have these conversations, but circumstances required diving deep and searching the Scriptures for answers.  And, in each conversation, God has been gracious.

It’s almost as if we hear God saying, “You have protected them, loved them, taught them and given them a firm foundation.  Now, it’s time for each of you to see satan’s work in this world more clearly.  And, I’m calling you to do something about it for the sake of my lost sheep.”

What is He calling us to do?  We have no idea.  Our hearts and minds are stirring.  We are watching God work in beautiful ways and wonder when and where He will open the door for us to step in.

Hug your children today.  Love them.  Teach them God’s Word.  Give them God’s grace.  Know there will be a day when God says it’s time to open their eyes so they can be used by Him in this imperfect, hurting world.  Thank Him deeply for the opportunity to homeschool – to bring them up in His precious nurture and admonition.

And pray for this world.  He is our only hope.

One Comment

  1. Our prayers are with you and your family, never easy discussing satans attacks and deviance, trickery …. How this is his time to scavage any souls who will listen… A battle between our Lord (greatness) and him(evil)! To know that God has a perfect plan for each one of us is uplifting and worthy! To fight for HIM is an honor and priveledge knowing and preparing for strikes from satan…. When these attacks come that is evidence that ur walk with God is Strong! For it is satans dream to take a Soldier from our Father above! Walk with the FULL Armor of GOD and the Full foundation that we give our children will help them fight this battle with Great Strength and Great Confidence! The end times are near so let the Battles begin! Its a whole different world out there ….. How many David’s or Esther’s will be out there? Sounds like you already have Great Soldiers … We will always be in training! That firm foundation is “awesome!” Please know that this body of Christ is holding ur hand and will Pray standing against and claiming victory for your family! It about coming together, standing firm, and fighting together under God’s LOVE!
    Thank u for sharing … Im afraid these r just the beginning times of such….

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