Project-Based Learning in the Homeschool


Project-based learning builds interest and encourages independence. It’s great for multiple ages and promotes an incredible amount of skills. Cindy can help you learn all you need to know to make project-based learning a reality in your homeschool!

Project-based learning is a big keyword in public schooling these days, but it’s something that has worked well for homeschoolers for years! In fact, homeschool project-based learning is one of the greatest tools I’ve used over the years to build strong, confident learners.

What is project-based learning? 

There’s a really big answer to that question, but here’s a nutshell definition…Project-based learning is a teaching method that allows students to take the reins in their learning through interest-based investigations that result in authentic projects.

Not only is that definition pretty philosophical, it doesn’t cover the entire list of incredible benefits that make homeschool project-based learning such a power-packed option.

What makes project-based learning such a game-changer?

  • Students are given choices that help them find motivation and take ownership in learning.
  • Interests and passions can be explored which drives engagement in learning.
  • Projects develop a broad range of skills across many academic areas.
  • Students can lean in to their learning styles, while still being challenged in non-preferred learning styles.
  • The work is authentic and meaningful – which means fewer questions about how the project will serve them in the real world.

But isn’t project-based learning hard?

Who plans the projects? Don’t they take a lot of time? Will my house get messy? The idea of project-based learning is wonderful to be sure, but it can seem overwhelming to add to an already packed homeschool schedule!

I hear your questions and I understand your concerns.The truth is, there is so much goodness that goes along with project-based learning that working through a few details to make them happen is worth it. 

That’s were I can step in and help. Let me show you what project-based learning is, why it’s worth it, and how you can practically set the goodness in motion at your house!

I’ll help you cast a vision so that you can get started right away – or mull the idea over so you can be ready to implement some of it in the coming school year.

1 hour of training + 40 minute Q&A time

BONUS: Youโ€™ll have forever access to the video replay and can ask additional questions in a special Facebook group set up just for you!




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