Science & Nature

wind blowing puffy white dandelion seeds off of the stem

Wind Nature Study

We’re in for a windy ride today! How can we do a wind nature study when we can’t see wind and can’t even really hear it? Great question! Observing the wind is less about looking for the nature specimen and more about looking for signs that it’s there. What is wind? If you had to…

Dark soil with a single green leaf to promote the nature study podcast about soil

Soil Nature Study

Are you ready for soil nature study today? In this episode of the No Sweat Nature Study podcast, Mrs. Cindy will give you a simple, but fun challenge. Expect to get a little dirty! Normally, we learn about a nature topic first and then you hear about your nature walk challenge, but this one is…

Bracket fungi on a tree trunk to advertise a nature podcast episode about bracket fungi

Bracket Fungi Nature Study

In this homeschool nature study, I’m excited to teach you about one of the coolest things to find on a woodland nature walk…bracket fungi! Fungi, in general, are amazing nature specimens and woodlands are great places to go to look for all sorts of species. Have you ever been walking in the woods near deciduous…

A girl in a blue dress and long, dark hair loves on a chestnut horse with a black bridle on. They are standing in a sandy arena. This is for a blog post about gifts for horse lovers.

Great Gifts for Horse Lovers

Horses are a lifelong love for my daughter. She has always gasped at the sight of horses grazing in a pasture, cleared the local library’s shelves of all the horse-related books, and covered her walls with posters of wild stallions and prancing ponies. Gift giving occasions have never been great mysteries for anyone who knows…

Image for a post about why nature journals are important. Includes drawings from nature journals as the background

Why Nature Journals Are Important

If you’ve been around here much, you know the importance I place on nature study. The real-life science lessons that offer a consistent “lab” experience are unmatched compared to simply studying the same topics from a textbook. But, just as important, nature study reaches so naturally into other academic areas that it’s priceless for gently integrated learning….

Girl with glasses and a grey jacket reaches out and smells a flower with her eyes closed. Used as an image for a blog post about fitting nature study in the homeschool schedule.

How To Fit Nature Study Into Your Homeschool Schedule

It’s so easy to start your homeschool journey as an idealist. Beautifully-lit Instagram photos and Pinterest-worthy homeschool rooms are exciting to look at, and passionate, seasoned speakers have hundreds of podcasts for you to excitedly devour. Before you know it, you’ve ordered vintage chalkboards, antique schoolroom desks, and picked up a natural wood abacus. Visions…

Boy with a green striped shirt and red shorts holds up a stick with a ribbon on top. For a blog post about nature study for creative kids.

Nature Study for Creative Kids

Science and creativity seem mutually exclusive, don’t they? It makes sense that the two fields are so opposite of one another that they can’t possibly compliment one another, right? I mean, the idea of a creative and scientific study for children does sound almost comical when you consider the limitless range of creativity and the…