Bird Center
Here’s the newest summer center at our house – Birds!

The box of books on the right includes nonfiction books about all sorts of birds – everything from birds we see around here to penguins to toucans. I’ve also included some really good children’s literature that have birds as characters – Make Way for Ducklings (Puffin Storytime), Angelo
, and The Raft
to name a few.
The books laying out are bird identification and drawing guides. These will be used with their nature notebooks as they go bird watching. That just reminded me, I need to set out binoculars. I’ll do a post soon about the nature notebooks. I just love these!
I found the little birdhouses at The Dollar Tree for……….$1.00! I’ve also set out a bird memory game and some bird activity sheets that from the NaturExplorers Beautiful Birds study. Finally, the game in the back on the left is really pushing it to fit into the bird theme. It’s a spelling game with bird pictures on the back of the cards! Ha Ha! Whatever works, right?