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2011-12 Curriculum and Schedule

High School, Middle School and K4.  Wow.  This year will surely test my homeschooling grit!  (Like the others haven’t, right?)  I’ve finally pinned down curriculum for the year ahead.  We’re all really looking forward to diving into some new materials, as well as some of our comfortable oldies-but goodies.

I’ll get right down to business sharing the main curriculum for each kiddo.  Remember, we NEVER do everything every day!

Mahayla – 9th Grade

Analytical Grammar: A Systematic Approach to Language Mastery (Reinforcement & Review Worksheets & Answer Keys)Algebra 1: An Incremental Development, 3rd Edition (Saxon Algebra 1)Saxon Algebra 1: Homeschool Teacher CD-ROM Package Third Edition 2008Practical Proverbs for Older Students (Volume 3)WordsmithExploring Creation with Biology 2nd Edition, TextbookText for the Learnables, Spanish: Spanish (Text for the Learnables, Spanish)The Art of Argument


Caleb – 6th Grade

Proverbs People Book 2Boyhood and BeyondSaxon Math 7/6: Homeschool Edition Student TextApples 2: Daily Phonics Drills, For Secondary StudentsWriting Strands, Level 3Easy Grammar Grade 6Considering God's Creation: A Creative Biblical Approach to Natural Science



Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries: A Biblical World History Curriculum Resurrection to Revolution AD 30-AD 1799


Eli – PK/K4

My Father's World From A to Z A Complete Kindergarten CurriculumMathArts: Exploring Math Through Art for 3 to 6 Year Olds (Bright Ideas for Learning)


Primary Arts of Language: Phonetic Farm folder with StickersPrimary Arts of Language: Phonetic Games



We’re also jumping back into co-op this year where the kids will enjoy some fantastic classes once a week.  (I’m teaching the logic/critical thinking class and have shared those resources here.)

Constitutional LawScience ExperimentsPreschool Fun
Biology Dissection LabLife Skills for Boys 
Logic/ Critical ThinkingLogic/ Critical Thinking 
Christian CharacterChristian Character 


Our daily schedule is always subject to change depending on projects, field trips, appointments, etc. – but here’s the tentative weekly schedule.

Schedule – Mahayla






Christian Character –    Co-opPractical ProverbsPractical ProverbsPractical ProverbsPractical Proverbs
Algebra 1Algebra 1Algebra 1Algebra 1Living Math
Constitutional Law – Co-opWritingSpanishWritingSpanish
Logic/Critical Thinking –     Co-opGrammarFormal LogicGrammarFormal Logic
History/ LiteratureHistory/ LiteratureHistory/ LiteratureHistory/ LiteratureHistory/ Literature
Biology Lab – Co-opBiologyBiologyBiologyNature Study

Schedule – Caleb






Christian Character –    Co-opBible Study/ DevoBible Study/ DevoBible Study/ DevoBible Study/ Devo
Saxon MathSaxon MathLiving MathSaxon MathLiving Math
Life Skills for Boys – Co-opWritingGrammarWritingGrammar
Logic/Critical Thinking –     Co-opSpellingSpellingSpellingSpelling
Science Experiments – Co-opHistoryScienceHistoryScience/ Nature Study

Schedule – Eli Daily


Primary Arts of Language Games/Worksheets

My Father’s World Science Activities


Math and/or Art Activities

Bible Story and Literature Books


 Happy 2011-2012!


  1. Sounds like you have the plan! We are also using MFW with my 4yo son, and TruthQuest History — thanks to Curriculum Choice Reviews! Well, I *think* we are using it. I can’t seem to let go of Mystery of History I and Ambleside Online! All three are amazing resources!
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Great choices!! It looks like you’ll have your hands full. 🙂

  3. Yes, all three are great! Even though I love using living literature, there’s definitely something to be said for a curriculum like MOH where you don’t have to search for books from the library or book sales if you don’t want to! (Can you tell book searches are bogging me down right now?? lol)

  4. Love all the planning! We just started with Proverbs People 1 and we are loving it! Have a great year!

  5. Pingback: christian families network » Blog Archive » 2011-12 Curriculum and Schedule | Our Journey Westward
  6. Looks like you really have it together! The choices for the kids are super. We dropped out of co-op this last year because of other issues. I also think my DD was a bit tired of it and needed a break. We use Teaching Textbooks and Time4Learning, so I don’t have to set up much in the way of scheduling–thank goodness! I am thinking I would like to check out Practical Proverbs. Keep us posted on how you like it.


  7. Love the inclusion of the schedules! I always wanted to thumb through MathArts, I’ll have to check back and see what you do with it.

    Happy NOT Back to School! 🙂

  8. Wow! I like how you wrote your post and it looks like you put a lot of thought into it! I am going to write a few things down for my son like Boyhood and Beyond.


  9. What a great post- thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful year!

  10. What great plans. I know you will make it a wonderful year.

  11. Thanks for sharing these wonderful choices. Looks like a great plan for your beautiful family! Enjoy!

  12. Pingback: Homeschooling Questions | Our Journey Westward
  13. Hi Cindy! I know this post was years ago, but I’m wondering if you liked using Apples 2 with your son. I have a 12 year old who has been through all 4 levels of AAR. He still needs review; so, did you like this book at that age? Thanks!

  14. Sumer, Yes! I still love the Apples and Apples 2 books. I have plans to go through them with my 6th grader next school year. 🙂

  15. Thank you!

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