interest-based learning

Boy poses in an astronaut uniform. For a blog post about homeschool unit studies.

Our Journey Westward Unit Studies

We’re a Charlotte Mason homeschooling family, yet we enjoy learning history and science through unit studies.  Can those two things go together? If you’re a Charlotte Mason purist, the answer is no.  Remember, though, I’ve said for years that we are “eclectic Charlotte Mason homeschoolers with a dash of Classical education and unit studies thrown…

Planning a Large Unit Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) In this final installment of my unit study series, I’m going to share with you how to design a unit study that is fairly in-depth.  For those of you new to this series, you can catch up by reading… How To Plan a Unit Study Unit Study Projects Planning a…

A presentation about Uganda.

World Geography Projects

One of the end-of-the-year writing projects I gave the kids was to research any country of interest around the world and create a report and presentation. What resulted were some pretty amazing world geography projects! I only gave a few parameters for the world geography projects and reports: The report needed to include nice-sized paragraphs,…

Geography landmarks postcard project

US Geography Resources

We had a great time studying United States geography!  One of the coolest projects during the study included research, some technology skills, writing and a bit of art. US Geography We took some time to learn about famous national landmarks during the unit.  As a final project, I gave the kids a list of several…