civil war

Frankfort Field Trips

In case you don’t know, Frankfort is the capital of Kentucky.  It’s also where I grew up and where my family still lives.  There is a wealth of field trip opportunity in Frankfort from government to history to museums and more.  We’ve been trying to make it a habit to go on a quick field…

Slavery and Civil War Resources

Slavery and Civil War Teaching Resources You might remember from my post about Planning a Large Unit Study, that I pick and choose the best ideas for our learning styles and learning objectives from many resources.  These are the the fabulous materials that provided many of my lesson plans. National Geographic Underground Railroad Interactive Civil…

Slavery and Civil War Plans

Wow.  We’re on our last planned history unit of the school year.  It feels great to be ahead of schedule!  (At least in history, anyway!) I’ve sketched out the main topics I hope to cover in a unit on slavery and the Civil War.  I think we’ll plan to make this mostly a literature and…