Search Results for: mystery

My Favorite Logic Resources

My Favorite Logic Resources

Is it really important to add logic studies in your homeschool from PK-High School?  Yes! Our children need to know how to think.  With the ability to think, almost any topic at any time can be learned and/or thought about critically.  Christian children who hope to defend their faith in the world absolutely MUST be…

Economics in the Homeschool

Economics in the Homeschool

Sadly, the formal study of economics is left out of most of the curricula I’ve run across in my 11+ years of homeschooling. An understanding of economics is EXTREMELY important as our children grow up to care for a family, learn to tithe and give, and become the financial leaders of our country. Unless we took…

Middle Ages Study

Middle Ages Study

(This post contains affiliate links.) While Mahaya (9th grade) was busy with Romans, Reformers and Revolutionaries, Caleb (6th grade) and I enjoyed a shorter, simpler unit study about the medieval era. Middle Ages Study His “spine” curriculum was the Middle Ages lapbook from In the Hands of a Child.  Since Caleb really hates handwriting, I…

Christmas School

{Although a silly story (needing some tweaking), the science mystery experiment pictured above is both fun and worthwhile as you step away from the textbooks this Christmas season.  Enjoy the Christmas Cookie Mystery with Teacher Directions.} Below is an article I wrote for CHEK’s December Newsletter.  I thought I’d post it here just in case…

Mountain Press Review

Mountain Press kindly sent us two books to review that we’d like you to know about! The Charcoal Forest by Beth A. Peluso is an informational picture book about how forest fires actually help plants and animals in some instances. Each two-page spread teaches you about a particular animal or plant and how it benefits…

The Great Chocolate Caper

The Great Chocolate Caper by Mary Ann Carr was generously provided to me by Prufrock Press for review.  Overall, I’ve been very impressed with the logic products I’ve seen from Prufrock Press and this book is no exception. We Love Logic! The Great Chocolate Caper: A Mystery that Teaches Logic Skills is meant for the…

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