Character Building Masterclass


Excellent character is certainly a goal every parent has for their children. The integrity and perseverance that grow from good character will help them in every single aspect of their lives now and later. Whether you have a struggling kiddo (or two) or just want some new ideas for building strong character qualities, this class will help with some super easy and creative ideas!     

Character Building 101

How would you describe a person with good character?

Here’s a simple description that comes to my mind:

A person with good character is honorable. They do what they say…and what they do, say, and even think is full of integrity. They work with perseverance toward excellence and easily accept that failure is simply an opportunity to grow or try again. They treat everyone with kindness, have a willingness to help, and specifically have courage to stand up when necessary.

Gosh, that seems lofty, doesn’t it?

Do you even know someone in real life that fits that definition perfectly?

The truth is, on this side of heaven, even adults don’t have “good character” all the time. We get angry, we cut corners, we give up, and we even whine more than we’d like to admit. (So, I guess we could say that character building isn’t something that’s reserved for kids only. And, maybe you shouldn’t be surprised when the character building ideas you implement in your home after this class help you in some significant ways, too.)

Have you ever considered the reason it’s called character “building”? Well, how does a building grow? It grows one new material at a time. As we go through life adding to our good character qualities, we grow a little bit here and a little bit there.


As parents, we have the wonderful opportunity to specifically lay a wonderful, strong, and sturdy foundation for a lifetime of character growth in our children through purposeful character building! 

Whether you have a child with some specific character issues that you’d like to retrain or you simply want to start laying that good foundation, this class will provide you will all kinds of creative ideas. (Bring a notebook!) We’ll talk about how to specifically teach good character qualities, how to sneak character building in, and even how to encourage it during productive discipline.

This masterclass contains Christian references, viewpoints, and resources. You certainly don’t have to be a Christian to get lots of creative ideas for character building in your home, though!

1.5 hours of training

BONUS: You’ll have forever access to the video replay and can ask additional questions in a special Facebook group set up just for you!




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Parent Resource

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