Living Math

Green and pink play-doh advertising a class about teaching standard measurement with play-doh

Standard Measurement with Play Dough

This hands-on, literature-based math activity will help your younger students concretely understand the concept of standard measurement. Target Age Range: K-2 Skills Covered: non-standard measurement, standard measurement, making comparisons, fine motor skills, reading Understanding measurement doesn’t have to be hard for little ones. In fact, teaching it early with concrete materials builds an in-depth understanding that…

wind blowing puffy white dandelion seeds off of the stem

Wind Nature Study

We’re in for a windy ride today! How can we do a wind nature study when we can’t see wind and can’t even really hear it? Great question! Observing the wind is less about looking for the nature specimen and more about looking for signs that it’s there. What is wind? If you had to…

Economics books and DVDs laying on the floor for a blog image about How to Teach High School Economics.

How To Teach High School Economics

Economics.  It’s about earning and spending money.  It’s how businesses grow.  It’s using resources to satisfy needs and wants.  It’s taxes and interest rates and credit cards and savings accounts.  It’s in everything from local production to global trade. The study of economics is as important for the “average person” as it is for the…