scavenger hunt

Boy observing a gravestone on the blog image for a Cemetery Scavenger Hunt.

A Cemetery Scavenger Hunt Makes a Great History Lesson

Eeeewww! A cemetery scavenger hunt? Are you serious? Yes! Believe it or not, this is a REALLY cool activity because cemeteries are chock-full of history! We’ve visited several cemeteries over the years as we’ve studied our state’s history. And, you might remember the times we’ve utilized our beautiful cemeteries for science purposes like winter nature walks, conifer studies,…

Fine Arts Tuesday #3

Fine Arts Tuesday was another hit this week.  I don’t think any of us are going to get tired of it anytime soon! Early morning nature study was a simple summer scavenger hunt. Art and classical music were combined this week.  In a simple activity, you play a piece of classical music and let the…

Library scavenger hunt free printable advertisement.

Library Scavenger Hunt

Enjoy Language Arts at the Library Here are some ideas for a scavenger hunt at the library that will build all sorts of academic muscle.  Questions can easily be altered for younger or older children.  This was planned for my 5th grader and it will probably take a couple trips to finish.  (By the way, the…

KY Project Presentations

Last week we finished up a short, but successful unit on our state.  I think all involved liked the change of pace this time around.  Mahayla practically completed her readings, worksheets and projects on her own, while Caleb and I tackled his work at our own pace.  Here are just a few highlights. Kentucky Notebooks Using several…