
hummingbird at a red flower sipping nectar

Hummingbird Nature Study

Hi! Thanks for joining me for the hummingbird nature study today. We’re going to learn about the most agile birds in the world! I’m Mrs. Cindy from No Sweat Nature Study LIVE and here we go… Hummingbirds Are Agile What does agile mean? House flies are agile. So are dragonflies. Cheetahs, chimpanzees, and border collies…

Large white bird migrating through the white clouds.

Bird Migration Nature Study

The premier season of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast kicks off with a bite-sized bird migration nature study. Listen at your convenience and then grab a nature journal and some colored pencils to head outside for the simple outdoor nature walk challenge! Hello, and welcome to the first episode of the brand new No…

Clay Illustration

  Art and Literature Connection Have You Seen Birds? by Barbara Reid is a fantastic book from which to pull an art lesson.  Full of lovely clay collage illustrations created by Joanne Oppenheim, children can dabble in an art medium (and style) often neglected – clay collage.   The illustrations in the book are detailed,…

Nest of Seasons Past

Winter is a great time for finding nature treasures that are hidden other seasons of the year.  Bird’s nests are one example.  Can you see how some sweet little bird found spare bailing twine to add to his cozy home? Spend some crafty time this winter creating nesting material to attract more birds to your…

Bird Center

Here’s the newest summer center at our house – Birds! The box of books on the right includes nonfiction books about all sorts of birds – everything from birds we see around here to penguins to toucans.  I’ve also included some really good children’s literature that have birds as characters – Make Way for Ducklings…