
A Super Woman Question

A friend of mine sent me an email the other day with a few questions.  I thought they were very important questions that deserved very real answers.  Here’s a portion of the email….. ……I just want to know where you find all of your time! Seriously, how do you have time to read other people’s…

All Stars…..Hmmm

Caleb loves baseball.  He’s been on a t-ball team for three years now and finally made the All Star team this year.  We were very proud and he was very excited.  Ball has always been fun, fun, fun for him.  He plays pretty well, laughs a lot, jokes with his coaches and is good to…

Next Year’s Plans

A new baby has slowed me down in the planning department!  I’ve been putting this post together for what seems like weeks, but I believe it’s finally ready.  I’ll copy this to put into my planning binder as a record of our curriculum and goals for the 2007-2008 school year. Subjects we do together: Bible/Devotions…

One Back, One To Go

This is how he looked as I dropped him off Monday.  See those nervous eyes?  Yes, I cried.  Not in front of him, though.  He was being brave, so I needed to.  Right before I left, I introduced him to two little boys who were playing the ring toss.  Apparently, that was a good introduction…

Miller Stories

My children pulled all the Miller’s books out again the other day.  I can’t tell you how much we’ve enjoyed these books!   From the time they were preschoolers and we started reading Storytime With the Millers, my children have intently listened to and learned from the stories.  I think they’re so good, in fact, that they were…

Learning Centers

Whether it’s a unit, a special holiday, someone’s birthday or just something you want to do to peak your children’s interest in a certain subject, think about creating a special place of learning in your home to create a buzz of inquisitiveness in your children.  We call them learning centers, but you call them whatever…

Summer Art Centers

If you’re anything like me, art tends to take somewhat of a back seat to other subjects during the school year.  So, I’ve decided to make an art center that will stay around all summer long! I plan to fill it with all sorts of goodies, but only a few at a time.  I’ll change out…

Make Memories

  You’re sitting around the dining room table some Sunday afternoon 20 or 30 years from now with your children and grandchildren.What will your children want to talk about? I hope my children have rich stories full of wonderful memories to talk about!I hope there will be many bright and beautiful moments that stand out…

I’m Bored! List

On a recent blog, I posted some of the things I do to keep my kids busy and learning during our summer break. One of the things was creating a 100 Things To Do If Bored List. I just recently came up with this summer’s list and thought it might be useful as a Tip…