Creative Homeschooling

One of the main goals I set early on in our homeschool was to give my children a love of learning.  Creative homeschooling is the mode I’ve used to successfully do that.  Don’t think that you can never put your child in front of a textbook or computer screen to homeschool creatively!  Instead, think of it as offering your children curriculum and styles to meet their needs.  Sometimes that will be a textbook or computer class.  Other times, it may be a unit study, living literature, field trips, games, project-based learning, co-op classes, or interest-based studies.  These articles show you how.  Be inspired!

orange life preserver promoting a blog post for homeschool help.

Help! My Homeschooler is Behind!

Your homeschooler is behind in academics and your greatest homeschooling fear is realized. Maybe it’s a struggle with algebra or your kiddo still isn’t reading on the expected grade level. Your niece has better handwriting, your mother-in-law is judging, and the pressure is on to somehow bring your child up to standard. The pressure that…