Homeschool Blog

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Crocodile with his mouth open lounging. Image is for a podcast about alligators and crocodiles.

Can Crocodiles Really Cry? Nature Study for Kids

Have you ever heard the phrase “crocodile tears” and wondered what it means? This week’s crocodile nature study podcast episode reveals the truth behind this curious saying! Do crocodiles actually shed tears? If so, why do they “cry” mostly when eating? This short and engaging episode is packed with fun facts and scientific explanations. Your family will love exploring the science behind crocodile tears, learning a new vocabulary word (lacrimation), and even pausing to do some quick research. Press play and find out the surprising reason crocodiles “cry!” Crocodile Nature Study Comprehension Questions Use these questions to check your family’s…

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Try a free science class!

Your children can learn science through the lens of nature study while creating meaningful nature journal pages during No Sweat Nature Study classes.

1st-8th graders learn in-depth science and scientific vocabulary as they build skills in observation, art, writing, note-taking, charting, diagramming, and higher-order thinking.

Kids watch Mrs. Cindy teach a nature study class on a computer in front of a book case filled with books.