Hi, I’m Cindy, your homeschool science and nature teacher!
I’m passionate about homeschooling creatively and joyfully and am here to help you do the same.
As an eclectic, Charlotte Mason-inspired homeschooler, I know that any method or curriculum must be adjusted to meet the needs of individual families and children. One of my specialties is helping you determine the best ways to tweak homeschooling for great success. I hope you’ll feel supported here with the practical, encouraging content and creative curriculum options.
With 20+ years of homeschooling experience and a master’s degree in education, I’m ready to share oodles of homeschool solutions with you. Look around and make yourself at home!
What You’ll Find Here
In nearly 20 years of blog posts, you can find living literature lists, unit studies, favorite curriculum choices, and more. Explore the blog or type a query into the search bar at the top of the page.
Most people know me as Mrs. Cindy of No Sweat Nature Study. I teach engaging science classes to kids through the lens of nature. As you can imagine, we cover all sorts of plant, animal, earth, space, and weather topics, all while creating nature journal pages together. The No Sweat Nature Study Podcast is a great place to start with your family!
Don’t forget to stop by the shop. There, you’ll find homeschool masterclasses to help you implement beautiful things with your children and how-to guides for Charlotte Mason-inspired homeschooling and living math. Don’t miss the four nature study curriculum options, either!
About Our Homeschool
Over the years, our family has been very eclectic in what and how we learn, but we identify most with the Charlotte Mason style of schooling. Our school has relied heavily on short academic lessons, good literature, nature study, living math, handicrafts, life as learning, free time, and habit training.
We have followed the philosophy of four-year history and science cycles, yet have completed most of them in unit studies that are very hands-on and/or project-based. Charlotte Mason, mixed with a dash of classical education and unit studies, has been the perfect mix for us.
I strive to create an exciting and varied learning atmosphere in (and out) of our home. This keeps us from getting into a rut and allows my children to think and do in new and creative ways.
With all this in mind, my main homeschool goal has nothing to do with academics! I plan, prepare, and teach so that my children might be prepared for whatever work the Lord has prepared for them. My main goal, therefore, is to guide them to Him gently. Each and every day, I strive to glorify Him in all I do and all I teach. (I often fail miserably, by the way!) It’s absolutely been my pleasure to work towards that goal and watch my children grow in the Lord (and their academics.) I wouldn’t trade this life for the world!
About Our Family
We live on a cattle farm in Central Kentucky. Besides being a farmer, my husband is a real estate attorney, a realtor, and a state senator. Busy doesn’t even begin to describe it.
I have a master’s degree in elementary education, but LOVE being home with my children. I also enjoy gardening, reading, writing, exercising, hiking, eating plenty of chocolate, and being outside. Besides homeschooling, teaching No Sweat Nature Study classes, and writing curricula, I speak regularly at homeschool events. Maybe I’ll see you at one sometime soon!
I hope you enjoy your time here!