
colorful graphics of a globe, world map, compass, and geography book

World Geography Projects for Homeschoolers

World geography projects are a fantastic way to make learning meaningful, hands-on, and engaging for homeschool students. Instead of simply memorizing maps and facts, children deeply understand different countries’ cultures, histories, and geography, making personal connections along the way. When students research, write, and present their findings, they develop critical thinking, communication, and creativity—all while…

Around the World unit study history logo

Around the World Series

(This post contains affiliate links.) I’m so excited to share with you Eli’s elementary adventures around the world! Over the course of the year, I’ll share each of the country studies we do.  You will always be able to find an updated list of the posts in this category by clicking on this image in…

National Missionary Convention

Another field trip bites the dust.  More than a simple field trip, though, this one was life changing!   The National Missionary Convention was held this past weekend in Lexington, and because our church registered, we were able to attend for free.  You know me and field trips, I wasn’t about to pass up a free…