Cindy West speaks to homeschool groups large and small. Take a peek at her workshop topics.

Homeschooling Workshops

Howdy!  If you haven’t visited my Speaker Information Page, please go there first.  While this page provides detailed information about the workshops I currently provide, you’ll want to learn more about me as a speaker first.

If you’ve just come over from the Speaker Information Page, welcome!  I’m so glad you’re interested in learning more about the individual workshops I teach!  Browse all you like.  For your convenience, I’ve included my contact information at the bottom of this page.

Charlotte Mason

Just What Is Charlotte Mason Homeschooling?

What do short lessons, living literature, nature study, handicrafts and artist study have in common? They’re all bits and pieces of a wonderfully rich and full style of learning called Charlotte Mason homeschooling. During this workshop, be inspired as you learn about each aspect of CM style learning and how to effectively incorporate them into your homeschool. (L, E)

Loving Living Math: What, Why, and How?

So many children (and parents) struggle with math during the school day. Whether you’re hoping to learn how to ease the whining, add some new lessons to the regular textbook schedule or overhaul your math curriculum, this workshop will inspire you. Learn how to add “real” math lessons that make sense to your child. Questions will be answered very practically! What is living math? How will it help my child enjoy math again? How can I add it to my textbook curriculum without overwhelming my child? Why would I want to add living math to our schedule? What are some super ideas and resources for living math? (L, E, HO)

Using Living Literature to Transform Your Homeschool

Adding superb literature selections to your homeschool makes for rich and engaging lessons that pack more academic punch than you might imagine.  During this workshop you will learn how to successfully use living literature alongside and/or in place of your current curriculum.  Leave with a wealth of practical ideas for integrating literature into every single subject, as well as resource lists for the best books to be found for all ages and stages. (L, E)

Creative Nature Study is Real Science

There is no “right” way to incorporate nature study into your homeschool, but it can be considered as real science lessons when taken seriously. This workshop will give you a wealth of practical suggestions for adding nature study in a way that suits your family’s homeschool. Understand the importance of studying God’s creation, feel confident (even if you’re a novice), learn how to keep nature journals and learn what to do during nature study no matter where you live. (L, E, HO)

How to Use Nature Study in Middle and High School

Nature study isn’t just for younger students!  Quite the contrary, in fact.  In the middle and high school years, students are ready to really dive deep into nature topics as they begin to understand interconnections and processes.  During these nature study “science labs” older students will be able use their knowledge of higher level physical science, biology and chemistry right in the field!  These years are also perfect for presenting nature-based research projects that encompass all kinds of subjects.  Gain many practical examples of how to incorporate in-depth nature study during this workshop. (L, E, HO)

Nature Journaling for Normal People

Too many times, I hear that nature journaling is intimidating. People either have no idea what to do on those blank pages or they get stuck believing that only beautifully artistic pages matter. Some people even find nature journals boring because they get stuck in a rut of simply sketching and moving on. Let’s change all of that today! Learn how to make journaling during nature study a creative, interest-packed activity that requires not one ounce of artistic ability. You’ll go home armed with ideas to bring joy and educational value to those blank pages! (L, E. HO)

Nature Study Without the Nature Walk

Did you know you don’t necessarily have to go outside to enjoy nature study? It’s true! While going outside is certainly my preference, there are families who can’t get outside for one reason or another, as well as families who simply don’t enjoy taking nature walks. This workshop will arm you with a practical plan to make serious nature study with multiple ages a priority – all from the comfort of your home. With these creative ideas, there won’t even be a need to set a birdhouse outside your window. (L, E, HO)

Artist Study: It’s Way More Valuable Than You Might Think

Many of us say we want to include art and art history into our homeschooling schedule, but how many of us are really making time for this “extra” subject?  Not only will you learn why art and artist study is important, but you’ll see how easy it is to make art a weekly priority in your house. Expect to go home with a mountain of ideas that will become a highlight of your homeschool week! (L, E, HO)

Building Wonderful Foundations with Gentle Math for Early Learners

Preschool children do not need formal math lessons. However, there are many gentle ways to introduce little ones to mathematical ideas and thinking – and have lots of fun, too. Don’t be surprised at how many math concepts will have been mastered already when your preschoolers get older and move into formal lessons. (L, E, HO)

Start Your Homeschool Day Beautifully with Morning Time

Implementing a family gathering time each day was one of the best decisions I ever made in homeschooling. You can learn how to successfully implement a family morning time easily. Start the school day off right with worship, learning, and beauty that everyone can enjoy together. At the same time, warm those brains up for a big day of learning ahead. (L, E, HO)

Unit Studies

Homeschooling with Unit Studies: It Works

Unit studies offer a flexibility in homeschooling that can’t be beat. Independence in learning, hands-on activities, literature-rich environments, and use with multiple ages are just some of the wonderful aspects of themed studies. Learn how to create your own unit studies and incorporate them effectively into your daily schedule during this very practical workshop. (L)

How To Plan Unit Studies: A Step-by-Step Lesson

This workshop dives a little deeper than the “Homeschooling with Unit Studies” workshop listed above.  Rather than an overview of the how’s and why’s of unit studies, this class actually walks you through the process of planning small and large units for various subjects and ages.  Expect a lot of interaction from the attendees as I ask them to help plan a unit on the spot. (L, E, HO)

Why & How to Easily Add Project-Based Learning to Your Homeschool

Tests are good for students, I don’t doubt that! But, what kind of “test” really helps a child show what they know? What kind of test helps a student think critically and creatively? What kind of test allows a student to use learning styles that meet their needs perfectly and require such skills as organization, presentation and research? Projects! Learn how to turn any teaching lesson, unit or test into a project that will help your children become immersed in their learning – and produce results that your child won’t soon forget. (L, E, HO)

Purposeful & Meaningful Ways to Add Hands-On Learning to Your Homeschool

Some children tend to learn more deeply when actively engaged in their lessons.  This workshop explores the many, many purposeful and meaningful ways to make learning hands-onSpecial attention is given to some typical hands-on schooling concerns, too.  How much hands-on is too much?  Is hands-on learning real learning?  How do I document hands-on learning?  How do I test knowledge gained during hands-on lessons?  How much time does hands-on planning really take? (L, E, HO)

Practical Homeschooling

Homeschooling Gifted Kids – You CAN Do It Successfully

How is homeschooling a gifted child different than homeschooling other children? How do you meet the needs of your gifted child? How do you keep him challenged? What happens when he’s smarter than you? How will you homeschool him and your other children at the same time? How do you keep him humble while encouraging his gifts? This workshop answers these questions and many more! (L)

Your Homeschool Method and Curriculum Work for You (Not the Other Way Around)

There seems to be a lot of pressure to homeschool this way or that these days. Homeschooling shouldn’t be about following any particular method perfectly or filling in every single worksheet front and back. The beauty of homeschooling is really about the freedom to meet the needs of our own children well. Find the courage you need to make tweaks in your curriculum or homeschooling philosophy in order to find joy and success in homeschooling. (L)

Brain Training: Unlocking Your Child’s Potential

While the concept of brain training is perfect for struggling learners, it’s also perfect for gifted or “normal” learners, too. Since brain training activities improve long and short term memory, processing speed, following directions, comprehension and attention, any child (or adult) can benefit whether preparing for a big test or simply trying to improve cognitive function.  Not only are the methods super easy to implement at home, they are very fun for your children!  My children beg for brain training games and I’ve tracked major gains.  This workshop shares basic research behind brain training and several activities that any parent can implement in the home. It also provides you with a resource list to help you learn more if you wish. (L, E, HO)

Brain Training in the Special Needs Homeschool

Brain training activities improve long and short term memory, processing speed, following directions, comprehension and attention. As you can imagine, these activities can be very helpful for those homeschooling children with ADHD, high-functioning autism, dyslexia or other learning disabilities, brain injuries, etc.  Best of all, the methods are super easy and super fun.  This workshop will share some basic research behind brain training and several sample activities that any parent can implement in the home. It will also provide you with a resource list if you wish to dig into the topic more deeply. (L, E, HO)

Creative Homeschooling: Practical Ideas to Add Interest to Your Day

Whether you’re looking for one or two ideas to spice up the learning in your home, or hoping for an entire overhaul to hum-drum days, this workshop will suit your needs. Practical ideas are given for just about every subject and every age level. Fun centers, project-based learning, incentives, creative approaches to tough subjects and so much more – you will leave with a jump in your step and your children will thank you with joyful smiles during school time! (L)

Logically Thinking (Your Children Will Thank You for Adding Logic to Your Homeschool)

Logic is an incredibly important subject that isn’t just for older children! I start my children very early with age-appropriate logic activities which prepare them for in-depth thinking and decision making as they age. In this workshop, I present a method of introducing both informal and formal logic to all age levels from PK-High School. We’ll have tons of fun during the workshop to show you just how much fun your children will have at home. Your children will love this subject! (L, E, HO)

Teaching Economics in the Homeschool: It’s Important (and Easier Than You Think)

As an educational consultant for the Center for Economic Education at Eastern Kentucky University, I teach elementary and middle school teachers how to implement hands-on economics lessons in their classrooms.  I can teach homeschool parents how to do that, too!  Economics isn’t often considered in the homeschool, but it’s an incredibly important subject that can also be great fun.  It makes for a great co-op class, too!  What do play dough, children’s literature and mysteries have to do with economics?  Let me show you! (L, E, HO)

Practical Strategies for Organizing Unorganized Learners

Oh, you have an unorganized learner, too?  Whether your child has a hard time keeping up with school supplies, can’t keep up with assignments, forgets things he’s been told to do, has a hard time completing thorough school work, can’t organize thoughts in writing, or all of the above – this workshop is for you!  I’ll share several tried and true tips for organizing everything from daily school supplies to completed work – for all ages. (L, E)

Don’t Sweat High School

There seems to be a lot of trepidation about homeschooling the high school years. Fears that you don’t have what it takes to give your children a quality education and fears that your children don’t have what it takes to complete the course of study. Let’s ease those fears and talk about practical plans for you and your  students to feel peaceful and be successful through the high school years. (L)

How To Plan Student-Led High School Courses

One beauty of homeschooling is the ability to meet our children’s needs and learning styles perfectly.  In the high school years, when learning naturally gravitates towards independence, I occasionally allow my children to create their own courses – with my guidance, of course.  These courses are especially useful in a few instances:  when a student has a great vision of their future, they have some passionate interests, or they really dislike the typical modes of high school study for certain subjects.  This workshop shares a step-by-step approach to high-quality student-led courses. (L, E)

A Different December (Creative Christmas Schooling)

School schedules can be daunting and the busyness of December to-do’s can be hectic. Put both together and you can easily find yourself and your children overwhelmed and burnt out during the month of December. This workshop will challenge you to set aside your normal school routine during the holiday season in order to make time for learning and fun that will also accomplish many of the December to-do’s. And you won’t miss a day of “school!” (L, E, HO)

Homeschooling in KY

For residents of Kentucky, this workshop covers everything you need to know to get started (or keep going) in homeschooling. Discussion topics include: legalities, record keeping, learning styles, homeschool methods, preschool through high school FAQ’s and lots of encouragement for nervous parents. (L)

Biblical Homeschooling

Raising Children Who Love the Lord

God has given us a huge responsibility as parents. He takes care of the details, but expects us to lead our children in a way that lights the path through our daily example, formal teaching and informal teaching. This workshop takes you step-by-step through Deuteronomy 6:1-9 providing practical suggestions for raising children to passionately love and follow our Lord. (L)

Keeping Children Engaged with Creative Bible Study

Too many children and teens tell me they don’t like homeschool Bible study.  They think it’s boring and irrelevant to their young lives.  Even worse, some parents tell me they don’t make Bible study a priority because their children (or even they) are bored with it.  Oh, my – do I have some awesome news to share!  I’ve found ways to spice up Bible study so that none of us are ever bored and look forward to our time spent in the Lord’s Word each day.  Let me send you home with ideas! (L,E, HO)

Cindy West's homeschool workshops are very adaptable for your group's needs.

Contact Me

I’d love to talk with you about the possibility of speaking at your event!
