gifted homeschooling

Project Q & A

Here’s one more really good question that has come in regarding unit studies specifically relating to projects… “In regards to projects and presentations, how do you gently help improve the note taking, thoroughness of information and actual presentations?  I know some of this will come with practice, but I’d like to improve on these things…

Unit Studies Revisited

It’s been well over a year since I posted anything about the nitty-gritty planning of my unit studies.  I’ve had several email questions lately wondering how I plan, so I thought it might be time for a new post on the subject. The emails I’ve received have all been similar in the basic four questions…

Project-Based Learning

I’ve had lots of questions about the projects we complete as part of our homeschool life.  I’ve even presented a workshop specifically concerning this topic, as well as including it as a topic in my most popular workshop “Creative Homeschooling”. I’ve been wanting to write a blog post about incorporating projects into your homeschool for…