Nature Study

Nature study has been one of the most rewarding subjects in our homeschool through the years. It reaches deeply into every single realm of science. It gets us outdoors for fresh air, sunshine and exercise. It creatively includes other subjects like language arts, math, geography, and even history. But most importantly, God has revealed so much about Himself to us through the study of nature.

Nature study works easily with all homeschooling styles. It makes a huge difference with children who need to be active. It can meet all kinds of learning styles, and offers those with learning disabilities a fresh perspective on learning to give them success. Best of all, nature study works really, really well when teaching multiple ages. I know you’ll enjoy some amazing learning using the lessons you’ll find below. Have fun!

Large white bird migrating through the white clouds.

Bird Migration Nature Study

The premier season of the No Sweat Nature Study Podcast kicks off with a bite-sized bird migration nature study. Listen at your convenience and then grab a nature journal and some colored pencils to head outside for the simple outdoor nature walk challenge! Hello, and welcome to the first episode of the brand new No…

Image for a post about why nature journals are important. Includes drawings from nature journals as the background

Why Nature Journals Are Important

If you’ve been around here much, you know the importance I place on nature study. The real-life science lessons that offer a consistent “lab” experience are unmatched compared to simply studying the same topics from a textbook. But, just as important, nature study reaches so naturally into other academic areas that it’s priceless for gently integrated learning….

Girl with glasses and a grey jacket reaches out and smells a flower with her eyes closed. Used as an image for a blog post about fitting nature study in the homeschool schedule.

How To Fit Nature Study Into Your Homeschool Schedule

It’s so easy to start your homeschool journey as an idealist. Beautifully-lit Instagram photos and Pinterest-worthy homeschool rooms are exciting to look at, and passionate, seasoned speakers have hundreds of podcasts for you to excitedly devour. Before you know it, you’ve ordered vintage chalkboards, antique schoolroom desks, and picked up a natural wood abacus. Visions…

Boy with a green striped shirt and red shorts holds up a stick with a ribbon on top. For a blog post about nature study for creative kids.

Nature Study for Creative Kids

Science and creativity seem mutually exclusive, don’t they? It makes sense that the two fields are so opposite of one another that they can’t possibly compliment one another, right? I mean, the idea of a creative and scientific study for children does sound almost comical when you consider the limitless range of creativity and the…